Casey Anthony reports to probation
Casey Anthony reported to probation on Wednesday in Orlando, Florida and began her 1 year term of probation for her check fraud case. A spokesperson for the Department of Corrections said that Anthony was cooperative and polite and met with her new probation officer for over an hour. The spokesperson said that Anthony told her probation officer that she intended to do well on probation and that she pledged to satisfy her conditions of her probation. Due to numerous death threats to Anthony, the Department of Corrections said they would not reveal her location or the county where Anthony will serve the probation.
Couple in pet python case sentenced
Charles Darnell, 34, and live in girlfriend, Jaren Hare, 21, were sentenced to 12 years in state prison on manslaughter and child neglect charges. They were found guilty in July by a Jury in Orlando, Florida, for failing to protect Hare’s daughter from their 12 foot long albino Burmese Python. The snake had not been properly secured in its cage and was able to escape. It entered the child’s room and wrapped around the child ultimately strangling her to death.
The couple’s lawyers blamed the not guilty verdict in the Casey Anthony trial for the guilty verdict in their clients case. Darnell’s attorney said, “I don’t think after watching one Central Florida accused child killer walk free … that they wanted that to happen to anyone else accused [in a child killing] whether they fully believed the case was proven to them beyond a reasonable doubt or not.”
The couple will serve their 12 year sentence followed by 5 years of probation.
Our original blog post on this case can be seen here.
Strauss-Kahn has his French passport back

Dominique Strauss-Kahn had dinner in New York Thursday night and is planning a visit to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C. early next week. Strauss-Kahn wants to personally say goodbye to his staff at the IMF.
He will then return to his home in France for the first time since May.